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TAJA Special Issue Released: Settler-Colonial Violence In Contemporary Australia

Christopher Marcatili | Published on 9/20/2022

In 2019, after the shooting of Kumanjayi Walker, TAJA commissioned a special issue on the ongoing issue of settler-colonial violence in Australia. As the coronial inquest continues, TAJA have just released this special issue.


Special thanks to Yasmine Musharbash for editing the issue, and for excellent contributions from Patrick Horton, Lora Chapman, Anthony Redmond, Petronella Vaarzon-Morel, Liz Scarfe, and Melinda Hinkson. Special thanks also to the nine Warlpiri contributing their voices to this issue, and to Georgia Curran for curating their contributions.


The full collection of articles is now available. AAS Members get full online access on our website, or head to Wiley.